• Porto Portugal

    1 June

    We flew to Portugal from Brussels. We dropped our stuff at the airbnb then walked to a restaurant for lunch. It seemed that they didn't real...

  • Strasbourg France

    26 May

    The four of us took a trip to Strasbourg for the Belgian long weekend and my aunt's birthday. My Uncle drove us and we stopped at a travel s...

  • Circus! 🎪

    21 May Circus in Boom

    This show has been performing for years and this was the first year it was not performed as a street parade. My aunt...

  • Brussels Belguim

    24 May Breakfast

    Singing man statue


    Palace Garden

    View in front of musical instruments museum

  • Antwerp Belgium

    20 May

    My aunt suggested going to visit the Red Star Line museum. In the morning we drove to Antwerp and walked to the museum. The Red Star Line wa...

  • Market in Willebroek

    18 May

    Every Wednesday morning is a market in Willebroek. It is biking distance from my aunt's house so today I biked to awthe market. There are lo...

  • Bruges Belgium


    On Sunday 15 May my uncle drove us to Bruges. We parked outside the city center and walked into the center. On the way we saw the moat and o...

  • Praha, Česká republika

    Just a couple days after returning to Brussels from Copenhagen we flew to Prague in the Czech Republic.

    11 May

    We left around 7 for the Brus...

  • Amsterdam Netherlands

    6 May

    We took a train to Antwerp and changed trains to go to Amsterdam. We arrived a few hours before we could check in so we got lunch at a cafe r...

  • Arriving in Belgium

    Saturday 30 April

    Today we flew to Brussels, Belgium from Copenhagen, Denmark. My Uncle picked us up from the airport and we drove by the Atomium a...

  • København Danmark

    Copenhagen, Denmark

    This blog is full of pictures! I don't really talk about any general things from the trip so I would like to say here th...

  • Göteborg Sweden

    19 April

    The bus ride to Göteburg was nice. I was able to finish the Oslo knitted square and enjoy the costal views along the highway. The AirBnB w...

  • Oslo Norway

    I don't have as much written for our time on Oslo because I wasn't keeping up with the blog and I didn't do as much comparing to our times in other...

  • Edinburgh Scotland

    11 April

    Our train ride to Edinburgh from Berwick-upon-Tweed was only 1 hour. After arriving we had a couple hours until our check in time but we h...

  • Berwick and Knitted Square

    9 April

    The train ride to Berwick-upon-Tweed was 4 hours and there were a couple of stops. I was surprised that we only stopped for about 2 minutes...

  • London Thoughts

    Thoughts on London

    I've been to London before but that was 14 years ago. It is interesting to me how different yet familiar it feels to me. Some of...

  • London Part 2

    8 April

    Today Daron and I did some solo adventuring. I slept in then went on the hunt for a post office and a yarn shop. I found a post office insi...

  • London Part 1

    Traveling (April 5 and 6)

    We took a red eye flight in an effort to reduce the jet lag. We left at 11 pm Dallas time and arrived at 3 pm London time...

  • Packing and trip goals

    Trip Goals

    I want to go on this trip to experience European culture on a long term basis. I've been twice before and have seen a lot of the tourist...