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London Part 2

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8 April

Today Daron and I did some solo adventuring. I slept in then went on the hunt for a post office and a yarn shop. I found a post office inside a convenience store a short walk from the hotel. The stamps in England are different than I'm used to. Each color stamp has a different cost value then you pick the stamps you need to cover your postage. I used £1.7, 5p, and 10p stamps on each postcard.

On my way to the yarn shop I got a little confused about a train depot and underground line with the same name. After arriving to the train depot, realizing it was not an underground station, and a little more Google Mapping, I made my way to an actual underground station. The yarn shop I went to is called Beautiful Knitter. I picked up a wool/yak/linen blend blue skein of yarn as well as a shawl magnet which I think would be useful for scarves too!

Beautiful Knitter Haul

Yarn Description

It was a great shop and the 2 ladies there were chatty and said that most of the American knitters they get are Texan or New Yorkers. Seeing a lot of knitters from Texas confuses them because it's so hot there. Fair thought! They also gave me a great recommendation for lunch at a bakery down the street. I had a quiche and chocolate cookie and the server gave me an extra cookie for takeaway! Both were delicious.

I went back to the hotel to rest a bit before our dinner reservations at Heddon Street Kitchen, which is Gordon Ramsay's restaurant. We got a little dressed up and took the underground to Piccadilly and had a nice stroll on the way to the restaurant.


At Heddon Street Kitchen we got squid to start, Beef Wellington for 2, and a charcuterie board for dessert. The experience was incredible, the atmosphere, the food, the service, everything. No pictures because we were enjoying the moment! On the way back to the hotel we enjoyed the Piccadilly lights in the dark.

9 April

This morning we slept in then packed up for our next stop, Berwick-upon-Tweed. We took a Bolt (Uber) to a Burger King near the train station for lunch. I got a Whooper which was ok, I thought the meat was a little weird but I'm not sure why. Daron got a Katsu Curry chicken sandwich which he said was interesting. Next we walked across the street to the train station and found a place to sit. I walked around the shops a little and got a package of blackcurrant truffles from Hotel Chocolat. The description on the package is the most accurate I have even seen on food and the truffles were amazing.

Hotel Chocolate Truffles

In the next post I'll start with the train ride to Berwick-upon-Tweed and have a completed square for my Europe trip afghan to show you!