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Arriving in Belgium

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Saturday 30 April

Today we flew to Brussels, Belgium from Copenhagen, Denmark. My Uncle picked us up from the airport and we drove by the Atomium and on a highway around Brussels and got a good view of the city. For dinner my uncle cooked us a 3 course traditional Belgium dinner of white asparagus soup and white asparagus with a traditional egg topping and white asparagus with salmon. It was very good and so nice to have a meal in a house instead of in a restaurant. I definitely felt a little bit of mental relief talking to people I know and being in a house. Even though I traveled a lot as a kid most of the places we stayed were family's houses so I am not very accustomed to staying in hotels. Hotels feel smaller and more crowded. Not being able to make or keep any food is difficult.

The next couple days I spent settling in, doing laundry and planning the rest of our trips.

On Tuesday 3 May, we went into Ghent with my aunt. First we attended a flower show, Floraliën. This event was held in a huge event center. It started with a lot of individual displays against black backdrops which lead you into a large open space with a massive maze display that had much larger sections but was very cohesive all together. Following this for a bit leads you into a stadium portion that was dark and had a fog machine. I couldn't stay in this part very long because of my asthma but it was a very cool experience. Next was back into the open area to see a different section of the maze. Here are a few pictures I took but this in no way represents the quantity of displays. This isn't even necessarily my favorite parts. I'm really enjoying looking at things without thinking about pictures.

After the Floraliën, we went to a sandwich shop for lunch. A lady from California chatted with us for a bit while we ate. Then I went to a yarn shop and met Daron at a cafe for a snack before meeting my aunt to head back to Brussels!

This yarn is 100% polyester.

4 May

For dinner we went to a BBQ place for dinner to celebrate my birthday.

The next couple days I worked on knitting, went on walks, and played with Nougat (miniature Schnauzer).

Friday morning my uncle took us to the train station for our trip to Amsterdam!

Knitted Square